Dainorėlis App
Your Lithuanian Song Book
Your Lithuanian Song Book
Dainorėlis App is your virtual Lithuanian song book. Quickly find and bookmark your favorite Lithuanian folk songs, campfire songs, children’s songs, and more! Our alphabetized Library includes the lyrics of 180 songs, including such favorites as: Ant kalno gluosnys, Čigonai, Dar nejok, dar sustok, Krambambulis, Mylėjau mergelę, Palankėj, palankėj, Skinsiu raudoną rožę, and more! Great for late-night harmonizing around a campfire, lullabying your child to sleep, or wooing your romantic partner! Download the app to access the entire library of songs without an internet connection.
Take a sneak peek at what's inside Dainorėlis App
Dainorėlis App is compatible with iOS and Android mobile devices. It's also free. Over a thousand Lithuanians have already downloaded the app. Join the club!
Two brothers, a cousin through marriage, and a friend from Lithuanian summer camp. Kęstutis gathers the songs, Daina designs the graphics, Jonas cranks out the code, and Šarūnas puts it all together. We survive on black bread, stinky cheese, and sentimental Lithuanian hymns.
Thank you to everyone who's contributed to this project, including, but not limited to, Vaiva Rimeika, Stasys Kuliavas, Greta Šmidt, Adomas Daugirdas, Mykolas Daugirdas, Mama Daugirdas, Tėtė Daugirdas, Teta Vaitkus, Karolis Karalevičius, Maja Chiapetta, Elytė Rėklaitis, Studentų stovyklos (Neringa, New Year's, 2015-2016) focus group, and everyone else who's provided such wonderful support, feedback, and enthusiasm. Dainuokime!